Berger Instruments 12 in. Orange Traffic - Safety Cone | Product# 00981621000P Selling for $5.99 ()
The CST/Berger 12 Traffic Safety Cones feature Tri-Glo bright red-orange fluorescent color with weighted base meet most state specifications. Nonabsorbent, flexible, tough and easy-to-clean with solvents or detergents; will not crack, peel or chip.... |
 Berger Instruments 18 in. Orange Traffic - Safety Cone | Product# 00981622000P Selling for $6.99 ()
The CST/Berger 18 Traffic Safety Cones feature Tri-Glo bright red-orange fluorescent color with weighted base meet most state specifications. Nonabsorbent, flexible, tough and easy-to-clean with solvents or detergents; will not crack, peel or chip.... |
 Berger Instruments 20X Site Level Kit with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981623000P Selling for $319.99 ()
The CST/Berger 54-135K Econoline Site Level is designed strickly for leveling. The 135K has no horizontal circle, but allows user to check grade quickly and easily. With 20X Magnification and a working range of up to 200ft in radius, you will find this instrument easily meets the requirements of most small to medium jobs. Accuracy of +/- 1/4 at 75 feet ensures level results for a wide variety of applications including, small pads, decks, driveways, pools, gargages and many more.... |
 Berger Instruments 20X Entry Level Transit Level with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981624000P Selling for $359.99 ()
The CST/Berger 140K is one of the most popular entry level site transit/levels on the market today. With rough angle turning and fine tuning adjustments, it is perfect for many small to medium jobs. Also, the leveling base now has three leveling screws, the same as most automatic levels and lasers. Horizontal clamps and tangents all you to bring your instrument quickly on target. 15 minute horizontal circle allows you to set rough angles.... |
 Berger Instruments 20X Site Level/Transit with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981625000P Selling for $439.99 ()
The CST/Berger 200K is one of the most popular entry level site transit/levels on the market today. With rough angle turning and fine tuning adjustments, it is perfect for many small to medium jobs. Also, the leveling base now has three leveling screws, the same as most automatic levels and lasers. Horizontal and vertical clamps and tangents all you to bring your instrument quickly on target. 15 minute horizontal circle allows you to set rough angles.... |
 Berger Instruments 22X Site Level/Transit with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981626000P Selling for $649.99 ()
The CST/Berger 300K Level Transit Package is perfect for the contractor requiring greater jobsite leveling accuracy. The instrument is designed with a heavy duty dome shaped head that holds a double ball bearing center which allow for greater accuracy in reading angles. Horizontal angle readouts can be estimated to 5 minutes of a degree. The Model 300K also features a vertical Arc that allows for vertical angles to be read to the nearest degree.... |
 Berger Instruments SAL 20X Automatic Level Kit with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981627000P Selling for $399.99 ()
These units are for the serious builder or... |
 Berger Instruments SAL 24X Automatic Level Kit with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981628000P Selling for $369.99 ()
contractor who requires greater accuracy. These... |
 Berger Instruments SAL 28X Automatic Level Kit with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981629000P Selling for $439.99 ()
instruments are designed with a heavy-duty dome shaped... |
 Berger Instruments SAL 32X Automatic Level Kit with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981630000P Selling for $519.99 ()
head that holds a double ball bearing center, giving the user 5... |
 Berger Instruments LM30 Manual-Leveling Dual Beam Interior/Ext. Rotary Laser Level Kit with Tripo | Product# 00981631000P Selling for $469.99 ()
minute readouts. Model 300B has a 1 vertical arc and two... |
 Berger Instruments LM800GR Self Leveling, Dual Manual Grade Rotary Laser Level Kit with Tripod | Product# 00981632000P Selling for $1019.99 ()
leveling vials. Units have a 3-1/2 x 8 thread. Both models... |
 Berger Instruments LM800PKG Self Leveling, Dual Manual Grade Hz & Vertical Rotary Laser Level Com | Product# 00981633000P Selling for $1199.99 ()
provide 1/8 accuracy at 100' (3mm at 30m) with a 250'... |
 Berger Instruments LMH600I Self Leveling Hz and Vertical Interior Laser Kit | Product# 00981634000P Selling for $939.99 ()
(76m) working range.... |
 Berger Instruments LMH600PKG Self Leveling Hz and Vertical Int/Ext Laser Level Kit | Product# 00981635000P Selling for $1119.99 ()
The CST/Berger 57-LMH600PKG Electronic Self Leveling Horizontal/Vertical Dual Beam Rotary Laser Level with Manual Grade offers fast and simple leveling power to handle your toughest jobs with less manpower. The 57-LMH600PKG laser level levels itself horizontally and vertically via electronic sensors interfaced with motors and precision software eliminating the need for re-leveling or rechecks. Just press the ON button and you are ready to go in a matter of seconds.... |
 Berger Instruments ALH Self Leveling Rotary Laser Level Kit with Tripod and Rod | Product# 00981636000P Selling for $949.99 ()
The CST/Berger ALH-PKG Self Leveling Rotary Laser Level Complete Package features Pro-Grade technology that delivers many benefits that makes the ALH-PKG perfect for outdoor jobs. Stong and durable enough for the most demanding construction projects, and with super fast electronic self-leveling and Anti-Drift your work is sure to be on each an every time. The ALH-PKG is accurate to 1/16 @ 100ft and has a... |
 Berger Instruments ALHVPKG Self Leveling Hz and Vertical Complete Laser Level Kit | Product# 00981637000P Selling for $1139.99 ()
The CST/Berger ALHV-PKG Split Beam, Self Leveling Rotary Laser Level Complete Package features Pro-Grade technology that delivers many benefits that make the ALHV-PKG perfect for almost all indoor and outdoor jobs. Stong and durable enough for the most demanding construction projects, and with super fast electronic self-leveling and Anti-Drift your work is sure to be on each an every time. The ALHV-PKG is accurate to 1/16 @ 100ft and has a working ranges of up to 2800ft... |
 Berger Instruments ALHVGD Self Leveling Green Beam Hz/Vertical Laser Level Kit | Product# 00981638000P Selling for $1579.99 ()
The CST/Berger ALHVGD Green Split Beam, Self Leveling Rotary Laser Level features Pro-Grade technology that delivers many benefits that make the ALHVGD perfect for almost all indoor and outdoor jobs. Stong and durable enough for the most demanding construction projects, and with super fast electronic self-leveling and Anti-Drift your work is sure to be on each an every time. The ALHVGD is accurate to 1/16 @ 100ft and has a working ranges of up to 660ft in... |
 Berger Instruments LMH-CU Electronic Self-Leveling Single Beam Rotary Laser Level with LD400 Dete | Product# 00981639000P Selling for $789.99 ()
The CST/Berger 57-LMH-CU Electronic Self Leveling Single Beam Rotary Laser Level offers fast and simple leveling power to handle your toughest jobs with less manpower. With one button operation, the 57-LMH-CU laser level levels itself via electronic sensors interfaced with motors and precision software eliminating the need for re-leveling or rechecks. No more fussing with leveling screws or level bubbles. Just press the ON button and you are ready to go in a matter of seconds.... |
 Berger Instruments LMH-CUPK Electronic Self-Leveling Horizontal Rotary Laser Level Kit with Tripo | Product# 00981640000P Selling for $929.99 ()
The CST/Berger 57-LMHCUPK Electronic Self Leveling Single Beam Rotary Laser Level offers fast and simple leveling power to handle your toughest jobs with less manpower. With one button operation, the 57-LMHCUPK laser level levels itself via electronic sensors interfaced with motors and precision software eliminating the need for re-leveling or rechecks. No more fussing with leveling screws or level bubbles. Just press the ON button and you are ready to go in a matter of seconds.... |